Stone Sour and Steel Panther Make Kansas City Rock Again

Image by Ethan Jackson

Stone Sour and Steel Panther made a stop on the Hydrograd Tour on September 26th at the Arvest Bank Theatre at The Midland.

Steel Panther took the stage close to 8pm last night, soon after the Cherry Bombs left the stage from a sexy and exciting performance. As you can imagine, Steel Panther doesn’t bring a sexy performance, but it does excite a lot of women. The band performed new songs as well as hits from all throughout their career like “Death To All But Metal” and “Community Property.” They’re know for being extremely profane and they sure as hell did not disappoint. Not only was that aspect displayed via the lyrics to their songs, but how they speak to each other and the crowd. I’d like to go into more details, but it’s a “you had to be there” kind of thing.

Images by Ethan Jackson

This was my first time being in the same room with Corey Taylor and experiencing his stage presence and crowd participation in all of it’s glory. I was not disappointed. Stone Sour put on an amazing show. The stage production was basic for the most part, but the performances were astounding. Corey’s vocals weren’t blown out by the drums or the guitars, he hit every note and the audience seemed to know most of, if not all of the songs. I don’t give a damn about what Chad Kroeger says about Corey and the gang, they’re a class act and must see for every fan of rock music.

Images by Ethan Jackson
Images by Ethan Jackson
